How to apply online unemployment allowance of Rajasthan 2019
Berojgari Bhatta प्राप्त करने के लिए पात्रता–
आई टी आई , डिप्लोमा व अन्य अभियार्थी भी आवेदन कर सकते है
Berojgari Bhatta के लिए आवश्यक दस्तावेज –
उसमे हम Job Seeker पर क्लिक करते है औरNew Registration पर क्लिक करते है तो हमारे सामने एक नया PAGE ओपन हो जाता है उसमें हम मांगी गई सारी जानकारी भरते है जैसे – नाम , पिता का नाम, जन्म तिथि, एजुकेशन डिटेल्स, एड्रेस आदि
Berojgari Bhatta के लिए आवेदन कैसे करे– Rajasthan-Berojgari-Bhatta-Online-Application
How to apply online unemployment allowance of Rajasthan 2019
Rajasthan Government is running the Berojgari Allowance Scheme for the unemployed youth of Rajasthan. In this scheme, the Rajasthan government wants to provide financial help to the unemployed youth, the benefit of this scheme is being given to those people who have completed their studies and But they are not getting employment. In this scheme, the government is giving 3500 rupees every month to the unemployed youths and women under the scheme. Graduate Youth will provide the same benefits of the scheme \
Eligibility for obtaining Berojgari Bhatta –
Resident of rajasthan
Applicant should be between 21 and 35 years
Graduation in any subject (3 Years Degree)
ITIs, diplomas and other students can also apply
The unemployed allowance will not get any employment and the annual income of the family should not exceed 2 lakh
Only one in a family can take advantage of this scheme
Required Documents for Berojgari Bhatta –
Aadhar Card (A mobile number in Aadhar Card is necessary)
Origin (Original)
Bamashah card
Mark Sheet of Graduation (Original)
SBI Bank Account
Mark of 10th (Original)
To apply for Berojgari Bhatta, we first have to register ourselves how to do it –
First we have to create our SSO ID
After that we open the SSO ID, so many icons appear in front of us, in which we click on Employment
In that we click on Job Seeker and click on New Registration, a new page opens in front of us, and we fill in all the information we have requested, such as name, father’s name, date of birth, education details, address etc.
And in the Area Code, we fill that detail in which we want employment, such as clerk, profession, data entry etc.
After that we upload our photo and click on the submit button, we register, we should remove the print.
How to apply for Berojgari Bhatta – Rajasthan-Berojgari-Bhatta-Online-Application
After that we open the SSO ID, so many icons appear in front of us, in which we click on Employment
In that we click on Job Seeker and click on Existing User and type your Job seeker Registration Number and click on Send OTP and put OTP and click on Verify, then our Registration Detail opens.
In that we click on the tab named Unemployment Allowance, a new page opens
In that we click Add New, then a new page opens, we fill out the details of our Graduation and fill out the details of our SBI Account and fill the annual income, disability etc. details.
After that, we click on the Send OTP written below the base number shown in the E-signed Your Document, then the OTP on the mobile number given in our Aadhaar card is verified by placing the OTP and making your document one by one. Do it
After that, after uploading the information of their original residence, graduation, class 10 information and self declaration in the Upload E signed Document, click on the Submit button and upload it to the Employment Employment Office for our unemployment allowance. After being approved, our unemployment allowance comes to our bank account –