
Treatment Of Fever – Fever is a disease or a symptom of many diseases.

Written by hassanraza513

Treatment of Fever

by Dr Muhammad Sami through Prophetic and Herbal medicines.
Fever is a disease or a symptom of many diseases.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said
“Do not curse fever, for it removes the sins just as fire removes the impurity of the iron.”

(Ibn e majah & sahih Albani)
It means fever is beneficial for us.
Now a days modern doctors also say that fever is not a disease in itself, it’s an important part of the healing process.

1- High body temperature
2- Body pain or discomfort
3- Headache
4- Joints pain
5- Fatigue
6- Sore throat
7- Weakness

1. Avoid causes
– Don’t have cold foods and drinks.
– Wear cloths properly in cold session.
– Don’t go outside if not necessary.

2. Maintain daily routine – Try to manage your daily routine as Sunnah i.e. daily routine of Prophet Muhammad(ﷺ)
– Sleep at night early or at the right time.
– Wake up early in the morning.
– Bathing, eating and all the works, do with time management don’t have bathe at evening time.
– Drink hot water.
– Do the Warzis (physical exercise)
– “Fever is a breath of the hellfire, so cool it using water.”. (Bukhari)
“If any one of you have fever, let him sprinkle cold water on himself for three consecutive nights before day break.” (Al hakim)
“Fever is abnormally high body temperature so remove it from you with cold water.” (Ibne Maza and sahih Al Albani)

Using cold water to get relief from fever during summer and specially in hot areas is beneficial. For it , cotton cloth is used. Wet the cloth in cold water and put it on the forehead.
Sometime ice cube is also used. Put the cotton cloth on the forehead. Put ice in polythene and place it on the forehead which should be covered by cotton cloth.

3. Medication
– Munakka (raisins) has ability to give relief from fever. Its consumption is of great benefit in typhoid, viral fever, general fever etc.
Take 26 munakkas and mix them in a little water, when it becomes soft in water, take them out of the water and keep it aside and then extract juice from these munakkas by crushing them, and take in one cup. If you do not want to remove the juice, you can eat these munakkas directly. Do not eat the seeds inside them.
Apart from this, you can drink the water by boiling the Munakkas in water.

– If someone has a fever with cold or there is a cold in fever, then they must use it. Pour a little bit of pudina (mint), 6 black pepper grains and some rock salt in a 2 cup water and boil it well when the half water is left, then give it to the patient to drink. The cold fever will get rid of the cold by drinking it. Coughing cold will end.
Besides, when the fever comes with cold, then grind some ginger thoroughly and mix its juice with one or half spoon honey and give it to the patient before sleeping at night and in the morning for 3-5 days. This remedy is very easy and useful for the fever caused by cold in adults and in youngster.

1. Don’t eat food or take a very small and light diet in fever.
2. Drink hot water in cold fever. Don’t drink cold water.
3. Drink hot water like tea 2-3 times in a day mostly at bed time in night and morning.
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